Merrill Field ATCT

Merrill Field ATCT #

General Info #

Attendance: 0700-2200

METAR: Loading

Positions #

MRI_GNDMerrill GroundMRI GC121.7
MRI_TWRMerrill TowerMRI LC126.0

Ground Control #

  1. Issues clearances as necessary
    1. IFR Aircraft
      1. When departing runway 7 or 25, aircraft must be asked if they can maintain their terrain and obstacle clearance up to 2000 feet, if they cannot then attempt to coordinate an alternate runway departure for them. If they can, clear them as filed.
      2. When departing runway 16 or 34, aircraft will be cleared as filed and issued a heading by LC.
    2. VFR Aircraft requesting flight following shall be assigned a beacon code

Local Control #

  1. All IFR departures require a release from A11 prior to departure
    1. IFR departing runway 34, you must also also receive a release from EDF if open
  2. Assign IFR departures the following on departure unless otherwise requested by A11
    1. Runway 7/25: Not Applicable
    2. Runway 16: Heading 190 after departure
    3. Runway 34: Heading 005 after departure
  3. For VFR departures, keep them on your frequency while inside your Class D and assign the following restrictions:
    1. North or westbound, Proceed direct to Pt Mackenzie, maintain 500 until advised. Monitor the aircraft and advise them when they are outside of the Class D or crossing the shoreline adjacent to Pt Mackenzie. At that point, inform them Resume appropriate VFR altitudes before sending them to departure or frequency changing them. Aircraft not familiar with Pt Mackenzie should be instructed to fly west, crossing the shoreline to fly northeast across the Knik Arm, and after crossing the arm, resume own navigation.
    2. North/Northeast bound toward Wasilla or Palmer, remain east of the Glenn Hwy
    3. All others toward east/southeast: departure to east until past Muldoon Rd, then resume own navigation
  4. Missed approaches shall be instructed to fly the published missed approach unless otherwise coordinated, and after issuing the missed approach instructions shall be coordinated with ZAN

Runway selection guidance #

Primary runways are based on operations at ANC. Coordinate with ANC LC and mirror their procedures where possible.