King Salmon

King Salmon ATCT #

General Info #

Attendance: 1 AUG-14 JUN 0800-2000; 15 JUN-31 JUL 0800-2200

METAR: Loading



Positions #

AKN_GNDKing Salmon GroundAKN GC121.9
AKN_TWRKing Salmon TowerAKN LC118.3

Ground Control #

  1. Issues clearances as necessary
    1. IFR Aircraft
      1. Unless otherwise directed by ZAN, departures shall be assigned their requested altitude as their initial altitude. If ZAN asks for a lower initial, the controller shall assign the lower altitude and advise to expect their requested altitude 10 minutes after departure
      2. Aircraft should be cleared as filed
    2. VFR Aircraft requesting flight following shall be assigned a beacon code

Local Control #

  1. All IFR departures require a release from ZAN prior to departure unless coordinated otherwise
  2. Line Up and Wait (LUAW) procedures are not authorized
  3. Missed approaches shall be instructed to fly the published missed approach unless otherwise coordinated, and after issuing the missed approach instructions shall be coordinated with ZAN

Runway selection guidance #

Primary runways are based on forecasted wind and other weather conditions.

  1. Arrivals
    1. IMC conditions:
      1. ILS/RNAV Runway 12
      2. RNAV Runway 30
    2. VMC conditions:
      1. Visual Runway 18 for GA aircraft, 12 for all others
      2. Visual Runway 36 for GA aircraft, 30 for all others
  2. Departures
    1. GA aircraft should use 36/18
    2. Other aircraft should use 12/30
    3. If requested for an intersection on a more favorable wind direction, the controller should accommodate to the extent possible