
Juneau ATCT #

General Info #

Attendance: APR-SEP 0600-2300; OCT-MAR 0700-2000

METAR: Loading



Positions #

JNU_GNDJuneau GroundJNU GC121.9
JNU_TWRJuneau TowerJNU LC118.7

Ground Control #

  1. Issues clearances as necessary
    1. IFR Aircraft
      1. Due to the terrain around JNU, aircraft must be assigned an Obstacle Departure Procedure or a Standard Instrument Departure procedure. Aircraft unable to comply may be, with ZAN approval, asked if they can accept their filed route with them maintaining their own terrain and obstacle clearance through 15,000. Failing this, aircraft should depart VFR and pick up IFR clearance in the air
      2. Unless otherwise directed by ZAN, departures shall be assigned their requested altitude as their initial altitude. If ZAN asks for a lower initial, the controller shall assign the lower altitude and advise to expect their requested altitude 10 minutes after departure
    2. VFR Aircraft requesting flight following shall be assigned a beacon code
  2. Departures from the waterway shall be advised to contact LC after receiving a clearance where necessary

Local Control #

  1. All IFR departures require a release from ZAN prior to departure unless coordinated otherwise
  2. When runway 26 is active for arrivals, ZAN will assign the LDA X for Runway 8 with a circle for runway 26. LC shall instruct the pilot when to discontinue and circle south for runway 26. No aircraft shall circle north
  3. While conducting SVFR operations, JNU may retain communications with departing IFR aircraft until they receive a report from the pilot of them leaving the lateral CDA/CESA airspace and/or reaching 4,500 feet MSL
  4. LC may choose to not accept an approach that is not advertised on the ATIS when traffic complexity prevents safe operations. LC doing this must advise ZAN with a reason and expected delay time for the requested approach

Runway selection guidance #

Primary runways are based on forecasted wind, neighboring traffic flows and other weather conditions. Information from the Juneau Airport Wind System (JAWS) shall be used to determine wind conditions and must be relied upon over surface wind reported by the ASOS. The following guidance shall be used to determine runway selection:

  1. To the maximum extent possible, utilize runway 8
  2. When necessary, runway 26 may be used but extreme care must be taken to deconflict arriving and departing traffic