Bethel ATCT

Bethel ATCT #

General Info #

Attendance: MAR-OCT MON-FRI 0630-2200, SAT-SUN 0700-2200; NOV-APR MON-FRI 0500-2100, SAT-SUN 0700-2100

METAR: Loading



Positions #

BET_GNDBethel GroundBET GC121.7
BET_TWRBethel TowerBET LC118.7

Ground Control #

  1. Issue clearances as necessary
    1. IFR Aircraft
      1. Initial altitude will be the filed cruise unless otherwise directed by ZAN, no lower than 2000 feet or the MEA for the first airway of their route of flight
      2. If ZAN provides a lower initial altitude, they should be instructed to expect their filed altitude 10 minutes after departure

Local Control #

  1. All IFR aircraft require a release from ZAN sector 13, or the west area, unless otherwise coordinated.
  2. Runway 12/30 is a gravel strip that during the winter will have snow on it. Extra care should be taken to ensure conflicts between it and the 1/19 parallels are avoided.

Runway selection guidance #

  1. Runways shall be based on the forecast direction of wind and other weather conditions. Runway 1L/19R shall be the primary runway for arrivals and departures, with runway 1R/19L being used for light propeller aircraft and/or traffic pattern work.