General Radar Procedures

General Radar Procedures #

  1. Upon receipt of a radar identified aircraft from another radar position, the receiving controller has control for turns up to 90 degrees and:
    1. Underlying controllers have control for descents
    2. Overlying controllers have control for climbs
  2. Controllers are permitted to change and/or assign a beacon code to an aircraft at any time. NOTE Beacon codes assigned by vNAS should not be changed unless there is a conflicting code. For the purposes of radar identification, controllers should use one of the other 5 methods of identification

Arrival Procedures #

  1. Aircraft arriving at a towered airport shall receive coordination from the overlying radar controller of the assigned runway and approach no later than 10 miles from the Final Approach Fix or 15 miles from the airport, whichever is sooner. If the overlying radar controller is an terminal approach control position, coordination may occur via scratchpads. All other arrival coordination must be done via voice or text
  2. Aircraft arriving at an airport with an operating Flight Service Station shall have the arrival information forwarded via voice or text no later than 30 minutes prior to arrival
  3. Arrival coordination must contain at least: aircraft callsign, aircraft type, approach, runway and estimated time of arrival