Anchorage ARTCC: High Area

Anchorage ARTCC: High Area #

General Info #

Bethel METAR: Loading

Dillingham METAR: Loading

Galena METAR: Loading

Galena TAF:


Nome METAR: Loading

Nome TAF:


Kotzebue METAR: Loading

Kotzebue TAF:


Sectors #

PositionSectorFrequencyHigh Freq.
ANC_69_CTR69 **133.8N/A
** denotes the primary sector for the area

General #

  1. All handoffs to sector 10 shall be done using automated handoffs and be instructed to squawk 2000 prior to communications transfer
  2. Arrivals should be on an arrival and descended along that to the extent possible prior to handoff with South Area. Aircraft not on an arrival shall be descended to the floor of the appropriate sector and annotated in the datablock prior to handoff
  3. Handoffs to UHMM or ZAK shall be done via direct message or voice at least 10 minutes prior to boundary crossing with communications transfer over a fix, NAVAID, or filed waypoint at or prior to the boundary unless otherwise coordinated or directed by LOA

Sector 63 #

No special notes

Sector 68 #

No special notes

Sector 69 #

No special notes

Appendices #

Appendix. A Area Map #

West Area
West Area